Dash Rapidly Gaining Popularity in Venezuala Amid Hyperinflation

Dash Rapidly Gaining Popularity in Venezuala Amid Hyperinflation

August 23, 2018 by cryptobreak

Dash —an open source peer-to-peer cryptocurrency and decentralized autonomous organization — is reportedly seeing increased adoption in Venezuela, a country currently in the throes of hyperinflation and a rapidly deteriorating economy.

Venezuelan Socialist President Nicolás Maduro has taken measures to salvage the economic situation in the country, including devaluing the bolívar by 95 percent last weekend and tying it to the state-issued cryptocurrency, petro.

Nevertheless, inflation is expected to reach upwards of 1,000,000 percent in 2018 — and Venezuelans are increasingly turning to cryptocurrency.

Dashing Ahead Despite Slowing Down

Though Bitcoin has undoubtedly increased in popularity among Venezuelans, Dash — the 14th ranked cryptocurrency by market capitalization — is reportedly gaining traction.

Dash (DASH) has had an especially rough 2018, losing more value than the vast majority of major cryptocurrency market players. At the time of this writing, Dash is trading at $138.88 per coin — down from an all-time high of approximately $1642 in December 2017.

Nevertheless, Dash is reportedly an effective alternative to fiat currencies in Venezuela, as the bolívar spirals into worthlessness. It boasts near instantaneous transaction times and low fees, and — despite the loss in value — holds its value better than the bolívar. As such, both individuals and merchants are turning to Dash.

Increased Merchant Adoption

Merchants have also reportedly been signing up to accept Dash at an increasing rate, despite the Venezuelan government’s best efforts to stabilize the economy and promote its own controversial state-issued cryptocurrency.

Among those merchants accepting Dash in Venezuela are Subway and Calvin Klein, according to Taylor.

What do you think about Dash’s reported rise in Venezuela? Do you think cryptocurrencies will continue to prove their value in countries with worsening economic situations? Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments below! 


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