John McAfee Claims Craig Wright Is Not Satoshi Nakamoto

John McAfee Claims Craig Wright Is Not Satoshi Nakamoto

November 17, 2018 by cryptobreak

Infosec personality and cryptocurrency evangelist John McAfee has publicly denounced Craig Wright’s claims that he is the anonymous creator of Bitcoin, Satoshi Nakamoto.

Craig Wright, the now infamous chief scientist at blockchain research and development firm nChain, has previously claimed to be the identity behind the Satoshi Nakamoto pseudonym and the originator of the first and foremost cryptocurrency.

To back up his claims, Wright signed a message from one of the private keys thought to be owned by Satoshi Nakamoto, though doubts remain over the validity of the demonstration.

Shortly prior to the recent Bitcoin Cash debacle, John McAfee publicly announced his allegiance to Jihan Wu — one of Craig Wrights loathed opponents — after tweeting:

Wright, who recently launched a social media onslaught against his naysayers, first hit out against McAfee in retaliation by dubbing him McFee (referencing his history of paid shilling), calling him a conman, and mocking his supposedly unhackable Bitcoin wallet.

Not one to take a bashing without giving his thoughts on the matter, McAfee took the opportunity to fire a shot of his own — essentially calling Wright an outright liar:

Despite indicating that he himself knows who the real Satoshi is, McAfee doesn’t appear to be giving anything away — responding to any comments with variations of “no sir” and other evasive answers.

This is not the first time McAfee has claimed to know who Satoshi is.

McAfee has now been added to the growing list of public figures that have expressed their doubts that Craig Wright is Satoshi. Said list includes Ethereum cofounder Vitalik Buterin, who stated that — according to signaling theory — it is highly unlikely Craig Wright is Satoshi, due to the “noisy method” he used to prove his claims (private demonstration).

Why do you think Craig Wright claims to be Satoshi but refuses to provide indisputable evidence? Is he protecting himself with plausible deniability, or is he simply not capable of doing so? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! 


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