Craig Wright Gets ‘Certificate’ Declaring Him Satoshi Nakamoto

Craig Wright Gets ‘Certificate’ Declaring Him Satoshi Nakamoto

June 21, 2019 by cryptobreak

Arguably the most controversial figure in the cryptocurrency space, Dr. Craig S. Wright’s claim of being Satoshi Nakamoto, the elusive creator of Bitcoin, has seldom landed on sympathetic ears.

His failure to back himself up with credible evidence in the face of stark criticism has even made him the subject of ridicule from the wider crypto community.

Therefore, it must have been a pleasant experience for Wright when the Council of Bogota went on record to officially recognize him as the creator of Bitcoin. 

Craig Wright at the Expo-Bitcoin International 2019

Wright was in the Colombian capital of Bogota to attend the Expo Bitcoin International 2019, one of the largest cryptocurrency events in Latin America. The event promoted Bitcoin SV (BSV) education, with the vision of expanding the scope of the technology to make the region — and, by extension, the world — a better place.

While in the city, Wright, an Australian computer scientist and serial entrepreneur, was invited to the Council of Bogota (Concejo de Bogotá) to speak on issues pertaining to Bitcoin and law. He was joined by Jimmy Nguyen, the President of the Bitcoin Association.

In a move that is unlikely to go down well with a rather large chunk of the global cryptocurrency community, Wright was introduced to the Council of Bogota as the person behind the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Not only that, but the Council also awarded him an official document that mentions Wright as the creator of Bitcoin.

Nguyen, who witnessed the courtesy extended to Wright firsthand, tweeted some pictures of the document. As visible in the pictures, the certificate, bearing the signature of Bogota President Nelly Mosquera, clearly mentions Wright as the “world famous creator of Bitcoin.”

As expected, the move rilled up many. Disgruntled community members took to social media to criticize the Council of Bogota.

Meanwhile, concerns have also been raised on social media that Wright could exploit this certificate to further his agenda by quashing voices of dissent. These concerns are not without a reason — as the self-proclaimed Bitcoin creator is actively filing lawsuits against some who have made public claims that he is not Satoshi Nakamoto. 

What do you think of Craig Wright’s new certificate? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!


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