The United Kingdom and United States Make up Over Half of Tweets About Bitcoin

The United Kingdom and United States Make up Over Half of Tweets About Bitcoin

July 6, 2019 by cryptobreak

Although it should come as no surprise, the United States leads the world in tweets about Bitcoin and Facebook’s new cryptocurrency ‘Libra.’ The other five countries in the running are the United Kingdom, Canada, Turkey, India, and Australia.

There should be no doubt as to where the most buzz surrounding Bitcoin is. According to a new study by research firm The Tie, around 38.9% of all Bitcoin-related tweets were from the United States. The United Kingdom came in at a distant second, making up around 10.5%.

However, what’s just as interesting is that the proportion of Americans tweeting about the Libra is even higher than Bitcoin, with the United States making up 43.8% of all Libra-related tweets.

Some other fun facts the study found include:

  • American tweets are overwhelmingly positive towards Bitcoin, with over 61% of tweets being favorable.
  • However, this is only slightly higher than average, with 59.8% of all tweets about Bitcoin being positive.
  • Altogether, Americans and Brits make up over 50% of all Bitcoin-related tweets.
  • Other nations in the ‘top 5’ include India, Canada, and Turkey.
  • Although other nations tweet about Bitcoin far less, they are far more positive. Peru, for example, stands out for being the ‘most positive’ on Bitcoin.

The fact that Bitcoin-related tweets are mostly from the United States tells us how much the industry still has to grow. Most of Europe was notably absent from this study, indicating there is still much room for growth.

One interesting factoid in the study was that Venezuela leads the world in the most negative tweets about Bitcoin, making up around 62% of all of them. This is likely due to frustrations over Bitcoin’s high fees, which many Venezuelans cannot afford due to hyperinflation.

Overall, the trends on Twitter seem strong for Bitcoin. However, we can expect the Twitter crypto-verse to continue to expand beyond the United States as the industry grows.

Do you find these stats surprising? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below. 


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