36% of U.S. Investors Open to Buying Bitcoin, New Study Says

36% of U.S. Investors Open to Buying Bitcoin, New Study Says

August 1, 2019 by cryptobreak

According to a new study by Grayscale Capital, around a third of US investors are open to buying Bitcoin. Around 36% said they would consider an investment in BTC.

A new study sheds light on how much of the investment community is interested in buying Bitcoin.

A Third of U.S. Investors Like Bitcoin

The study by Greyscale Capital found that 36% of U.S. investors are interested in buying Bitcoin and consider it a valid investment. This seems to prove that enthusiasm for digital assets extends far beyond a small group.

However, the study also found that around 83% of those interested in buying Bitcoin would ‘test the waters’ first by buying a small amount. There’s clearly still uncertainty over its long-term promise. Altogether, the study seems to conclude that a large number of investors are looking beyond just the standard 60% stock and 40% bond portfolio by expanding into the cryptocurrency space.

Moreover, investments in Bitcoin still tend to be male-dominated, making up some 57% of all buyers within Greyscale itself. Many are retail investors as well, with close to half having an income of under $100,000 per year.

As you might expect, the study also seemed to substantiate the claim that gold fans and Bitcoin fans often overlap. 69% of investors who like Bitcoin also like gold. Around 65% of those who hold Bitcoin said they would ‘definitely’ or ‘probably’ invest in gold compared to just 51% of the general investment population.

Results Not Surprising

The results merely confirm what we already know: Bitcoin on the radar for most investors. However, this does not prove that Bitcoin has become accepted as a safe, long-term investment. Quite the contrary, in a recent study done by Bankrate, only 4% of Americans say the leading cryptocurrency is their ‘favorite’ long-term investment.

Bitcoin still needs to prove itself as an asset, but it seems that many investors already see it as legitimate. Perhaps with the introduction of a proper BTC exchange-traded fund (ETF), then investors will come around to the idea that Bitcoin is not only here to stay but is also a legitimate asset on par with real estate and gold.

What conclusions do you draw on the study by Greyscale Capital? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.