It should be noted that there are more than enough owners of serious capital in the coin industry. The wealthiest of them all is the founder and head of the cryptocurrency exchange Binance Changpen Zhao – his fortune was estimated at $65 billion the day before. Also noteworthy is FTX exchange creator Sam Bankman-Fried, who owns the equivalent of $24 billion.

These figures were cited by the Forbes financial publication the day before. They compiled a list of the blockchain industry’s big names and made it clear that the cryptocurrency niche is indeed a good place to make money if you approach it the right way.

Changpen Zhao, founder and CEO of Binance

However, another question follows from here: where to spend the money earned?

Where to spend the millions from cryptocurrencies?

A user nicknamed LifeReboot shared his success story on Reddit: he managed to achieve his goals of making money from the crypto market. In this regard, LifeReboot asked the cryptocurrency community what it would do after a “well-deserved retirement”. In response, user Adamant27 compared life to a video game and voiced his own thoughts on what is happening. Here is his rejoinder.

You’ve been through a quest called financial stability and independence, but there are many more quests in a game called life.

That is, he makes it clear that taking serious earnings as an end point in development is definitely not a good idea. Therefore, the platform user should go about his business without much emphasis on financial achievements.

Reddit screenshot

According to Cointelegraph sources, the author of the response urged LifeReboot to take on some “more important quests” of the type of personal development and spiritual enlightenment. Others have advised the author of the thread to explore the world – that is, travel – because for a financially independent person, it’s one of the best pleasures.

The commenter under the nickname Feodal_lord, on the other hand, would prefer more solitude.

If I made enough money for my whole life, I’d tell society to go to hell and live my life in isolation.

That said, LifeReboot has another vector of development that millionaires often lean towards – philanthropy. That is, he assumes that he will spend some of the money he receives on good causes.

It should be noted that the cryptocurrency community is also active in philanthropy. On the eve of the investor under the nickname Kuiyopi announced on Twitter a new stage in his battle with cancer – he needed expensive surgery due to new problems with the disease, reports Cointelegraph.

Photo from Kuiyopi confirming the disappointing diagnosis from doctors

In addition to condolences and words of support due to retweets of the original post, the cryptocommunity also helped financially. A sum of $73,000 was quickly raised for Kuiyopi, which was enough to pay for his treatment.

In total, his cryptocurrency wallet received 107 transactions, including Tether, Etherium, USDC and other altcoins.

Here’s the response from a member of the cryptocurrency community on Twitter.

Man, I’m really paying right now. Can’t thank you enough.

Note that in the cryptocurrency niche, much bigger donations happen. For example, in the spring of 2021, Ethereum creator Vitalik Buterin donated 50 trillion SHIB coins to India's COVID-19 pandemic fund. The developer did not receive the coins from the creators of the project on his own initiative, so he decided to dispose of it that way. This ended up angering some dog-token enthusiasts, among others. Read more about the story in a separate piece.

Etherium creator Vitalik Buterin

We believe the cryptocurrency niche is indeed a great place to make large sums of money, which is at least supported by the percentage of growth in digital assets in 2021. However, it is up to each investor to decide how to spend the money they get, taking into account their own interests and needs. Although donating and helping others is always a good idea.

Let’s hope that the community’s kind gesture will save one of its members. You can also find out about other interesting news in our millionaires’ cryptochat. There we discuss other important developments from the world of blockchain and decentralization.