Note that the attempted growth of Bitcoin and other markets has already been demonstrated. In particular, the top coins in terms of market capitalisation have shown a nice jump of around 10 percent in the last 24 hours.

Situation in the cryptocurrency market today

That’s not much, but after a prolonged downtrend, something like that looks pretty good.

Why Bitcoin will rise in price

According to CryptoSlate’s sources, the cryptocurrency’s long-term rise in price hinges on four main factors. The first is psychology. As with diamonds, Bitcoin’s value will largely depend on what most people think of it.

Right now, more and more billionaires and banking analysts are saying that the first cryptocurrency could play an important role in current and upcoming economic problems. With that in mind, many people are probably becoming less critical of digital assets, if they previously disliked them.

The second key factor is the supply/demand ratio of coins. This is a fairly commonly cited detail by many Bitcoin supporters. It is based on the fact that the maximum number of BTC coins is limited to 21 million units, with an impressive portion of bitcoins from that mass forever lost. That is, the supply of coins is fixed, but the demand for them can grow indefinitely. This, accordingly, will only push the price of the asset upwards, according to the law of supply and demand.

Popularity of the search query “bitcoin” on Google in the last 5 years

Another important aspect is regulation of the crypto market, which, in Laboure’s opinion, will soon be much clearer. The analyst believes that proper regulation will attract more big investors to the industry and strengthen Bitcoin’s image. Let’s remind, certain progress in this matter over the last few years is indeed visible “with the naked eye”.

Finally, the fourth factor is the volatility of the crypto market. Laboure acknowledged that the industry has been very volatile throughout its history and this trend is unlikely to change in the near future. Many investors are intimidated by this fact, but once the liquidity of the crypto market becomes much higher – largely due to the same regulation – the volatility will drop to acceptable levels. Accordingly, there will be less reason to be afraid of crypto because of the prospect of a possible collapse by tens of percent.

Read also: Why do most people refuse to buy Bitcoin? A comprehensive answer from analysts.

Another interesting point of view on Bitcoin was shared on his Twitter the day before by Stacks platform founder Muneb Ali. He stated that he hasn’t owned Etherium since 2018 because the altcoin is “losing out” relative to Bitcoin in terms of money status. In addition, Vitalik Buterin’s brainchild will allegedly lose ground as a smart contracts platform to more modern competitors like Solana, Avalanche, Azero and other new projects in the future.

Ali argues that the loss of value of ETH is due to “two different wars” that the project is “fighting on two different fronts”. The first “war” of ETH is to become “safe money” that can serve as protection against inflation. According to Ali, “safe money” is durable, stable and resistant to change. They also have a predictable supply and work at a simple basic level. Here’s his quote.

Bitcoin wins on this point without a doubt. Simplicity versus complexity is a better proposition. Take your pick.

Etherium and some of its competitors

Etherium is fighting its second “war” to maintain market dominance as the leading smart contracts platform. But even here, the project’s position is no longer as firm as it once was. Ether now has many competitors: take the Algorand, Avalanche, Solana and NEAR Protocol projects, which are rapidly developing alternative solutions for smart contracts. As a result, they are gaining market share, which is shrinking from Etherium.

Here’s another comment from Ali.

From a purely investment point of view, the spectrum of new high-quality tier-one smart contracts platforms is vastly outperforming Etherium in many respects.

Bitcoin and Etherium

This is indeed true – the aforementioned projects can offer users higher throughput and very low fees, which is particularly important for users of decentralised applications. However, the situation may change dramatically in the coming months: in 2022, Etherium is expected to switch to the Proof-of-Stake algorithm, which, paired with so-called sharding, will significantly increase its speed and lower fees.

We believe the long-term prospects for Bitcoin, Etherium and other popular cryptocurrencies are very bright. Cryptocurrencies provide access to a rich ecosystem of decentralised finance, allow for virtually instant and cheap transfers anywhere on the planet, and many other activities. Obviously, many people don't yet interact with blockchain projects because of simple fear or misunderstanding. But with time, as crypto becomes more popular, this will pass, which means that there will be a lot more users of such platforms.

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