We checked the current bitcoin distribution statistics. Today there are more than a thousand bitcoins in 2212 addresses, more than 10 thousand – in 95 addresses, and more than 100 thousand BTC can be found only in five addresses.

Bitcoin distribution per address

To make it clear, we present some statistics in USD terms. Specifically, 64,744 addresses have at least one million dollars in BTC, while 4,884 addresses have $10 million.

Bitcoin dollar equivalent distribution

Finally, the richest BTC address belongs to the Binance exchange, with 252,597 BTC on it today. Overall, of the five richest Bitcoin addresses, three belong to this particular trading platform.

The five richest addresses on the Bitcoin network

Judging by the data in the transparent blockchain, the cryptocurrency’s holdings are increasing. And the rate of growth in this figure has begun to increase dramatically now that the coin’s exchange rate continues to collapse.

How much bitcoin investors have

The current situation is perfectly illustrated by the chart from analytics platform Glassnode, published by representatives of Cointelegraph. Here is the corresponding figure.

Growth in the number of cryptocurrency wallets with at least 1 BTC in the account

In total, more than 14,000 cryptocurrency wallets have appeared in the last ten days. The surge in their numbers suggests that investors with small capital are buying crypto as fast as their finances allow. Another chart from Glassnode also shows a sharp upward trend in the number of cryptocurrency wallets with at least 0.1 BTC in an account.

Growth in the number of cryptocurrency wallets with at least 0.1 BTC in an account

But the number of addresses with a value over 100 BTC has decreased by 136 in the same time period. There is speculation that while relatively large market players are selling bitcoins little by little, individual investors are actively buying them. However, this has been the trend since the early years of the first cryptocurrency.

Unfortunately, the week is not just starting with positive news. For almost seven days now, the value of the USDD stabelcoin, launched as part of the Tron project ecosystem from the scandal-plagued Justin Sun, has been below the one-dollar mark. This situation has begun to cause concern, as we already have a precedent in the form of the collapse of another algorithmic stablcoin, TerraUSD, and its aftermath.

USDD exchange rate chart for the last ninety days

At the end of the week, representatives of the decentralised autonomous organisation Tron DAO said that USDD had not lost parity against the dollar. Here’s the relevant rejoinder.

USDD is a decentralised stabelcoin that depends on mechanisms within the blockchain and leveraged assets.

That is, the representatives made it clear that the peg to the dollar exchange rate is certain to happen again, and that the current situation is a cost of the algorithmic stablcoin mechanism.

According to Justin San, USDD initially depreciated as a result of bears starting to sell TRX native token on cryptocurrency exchange Binance very actively. Despite San pledging $2 billion from the Tron DAO reserve to combat the decline, USDD is still stubbornly holding below the dollar.

We believe that this trend is extremely positive for Bitcoin. The fact is that the presence of those willing to buy BTC at current price levels in such economic conditions proves people's belief in the potential of digital assets. In other words, they are favoring blockchain coins even despite geopolitical problems around the world, inflation concerns and unemployment. And since this is happening even now, there will be even more reasons for the coin industry to grow as the economy and other components normalize. Accordingly, betting on decentralised assets seems quite understandable.

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