Which NFT to buy?

The question of making money from unique tokens was raised the day before by a cryptocurrency enthusiast under the nickname Aggravating-Hand-207. He created a thread on Reddit in which he asked other commenters to explain the process of choosing NFTs to buy. That is, in essence, to point out the features of the token that one should pay attention to first. The thread became quite popular and gathered dozens of responses, among which some useful practical recommendations were found.

One commenter noted that for him the most important parameter is still the usefulness of a unique token, i.e. the ability to use it to perform some task. Here’s the relevant line cited by Cointelegraph.

Usefulness – because I buy something that gives me more value than just a piece of digital art. The NFT collection community is important because it makes NFT interesting and popular.

Note that the uses of some NFTs can vary. For example, members of one of Bored Ape Yacht Club's most popular collections are a pass to various offline events.

Find popular NFT collections at CoinMarketCap

The comment was clarified by another user, adding that investors are looking for good artists, an active community and rarity. A more detailed description of this strategy was left by user 4laman.

It all depends on what your investment strategy is. Do you need money? In the short term, I look for overly promoted projects with a not very high price so I can sell them quickly afterwards. In the long term, I’m looking for collaborations between big brands that have a connection with first-time NFT fans.

Another crypto-enthusiast under the nickname CartographerWorth649 advised using oracles for easy analysis of NFT collections, i.e. special platforms with an abundance of token data. Here’s his rejoinder.

Personally, I’m a big believer in the technology and the field of NFT, but I don’t know how to select specific collections myself due to lack of knowledge in the field. However, Oracles is able to collect and provide real time NFT data.

Another popular NFT collection tracker is the DappRadar platform

To summarize all the most popular ideas from the track: the novice investor first needs to pay attention to the fundamental metrics of the NFT collection in the form of trading volumes, minimum price, popularity, community around certain tokens, and the right tools in trading. For the latter you will have to learn how to use the most popular trading platform NFT OpenSea, which we are already familiar with.

By the way, on the eve of the OpenSea team recently announced the changes in the internal policy regarding the stolen NFT tokens, which can be bought by the platform’s users unknowingly. According to Cointelegraph, previously during such incidents the OpenSea management even resorted to police intervention, which resulted in unplanned losses for the buyer himself. With the new policy upgrade, this condition is not necessary as long as the stolen NFT did not show up in police reports for seven days in any way.

OpenSea home page

In this way, OpenSea aims to reduce the number of misunderstandings that can arise literally out of thin air if an NFT has somehow received “stolen” status. Some customers were still unhappy in comments to the announcement: they mentioned that OpenSea doesn’t handle the problem of trading in stolen NFTs very well. Here’s a comment from user COMPASSIONTENFT on the subject.

Interesting, because when my NFT was stolen, OpenSea and the token issuing company essentially refused to help me. Now that’s a change in attitude towards customers. I think problems like this become significant when they have already accumulated thousands of complaints from various users.

BAYC style ice cream truck

Another commenter under the nickname MarleyThunder stated that OpenSea tech support at all advised him to sell the stolen NFT he bought on another platform as soon as possible.

I bought the stolen NFT without knowing it, so I felt guilty. I tried to get the token back. Searches on Discord didn’t help, so I turned to OpenSea. Your support team literally told me to sell the token on Looksrare. This was before you laid off 20 per cent of your staff.

OpenSea has previously been involved in several scandals. For example, the platform was forced to compensate its customers back in January this year because of a serious bug. So even when using the most popular and liquid platforms to trade unique tokens, you need to be extremely careful.

We believe that the NFT token industry is too young, so there is simply no obvious correct list of actions to make money from this category. In addition, NFT liquidity is a known problem, because the interest in them reduces significantly at the stages of market downturns. Therefore, for a successful investment here including good luck is required. And without trying and gaining experience, as usual, nothing will work.