What will happen to NFT after the merger

Information about blockchain support appeared on the platform’s official Twitter account. Here are a few quotes from there.

First and most importantly, we are committed to NFT support only on the Ethereum blockchain after it is upgraded to PoS. While we will not speculate on the idea of potential forks, they will not be supported or reflected in OpenSea.

A collection of NFTs called “Cryptopunks”

According to Decrypt’s sources, OpenSea was the first trading platform to exchange unique tokens based on Etherium back in 2017. There are now more than 80 million NFT transactions on the platform, worth around $31 billion since launch.

Supporting the largest marketplace for NFT is very important in the context of maintaining the “integrity” of Etherium. It does not offer complete protection against forks, but the more platforms that support PoS-based Etherium, the less incentive there is to expect blockchain branching during the merger.


While OpenSea has said it will not support Aether forks, other platforms have taken a very different stance. For example, cryptocurrency exchange Bitfinex announced the day before that it would provide traders with new trading options for the respective forks, should they appear in the merger. Two tokens have already been released: ETHW, a fork token that supports the current Proof-of-Work consensus algorithm, and ETHS, a PoS version of Ether. BitMEX will do the same.

Announcement of new investment tools for Ethereum forks on BitMEX

Circle, on the other hand, which is the issuer of one of the largest USD Coin Stablecoins on the market (USDC), maintains a similar view to OpenSea regarding the merger. USDC will only be backed in the PoS blockchain of altcoin to avoid an equal increase in the supply of stablcoin and the need to seek billions of dollars of additional coin collateral.

That said, the “exclusivity” and high status of NFT token holders can sometimes be a problem. A prime example of this is the outrage of many users on Twitter over the sale of unique tokens by Dame restaurant in New York. Owners of these NFTs at a cost of a thousand dollars can join the Affable Hospitality Club, which allows them to pass out of line when making reservations. The service has become very much discussed on Twitter after The Infatuation editor Maya Kosoff posted details about it.

Why NFT tokens are needed in real life

The idea of integrating NFT into the restaurant business in this way has sparked outrage both at Dame’s own actions and at unique tokens in general. According to Kosoff herself, table reservations in New York restaurants have become a whole culture, and not in the best of ways for diners.

Table reservation information

The “exclusive queue” for NFT owners makes a restaurant’s policy unequal to all customers, even if its menu is designed for a large check. Here’s how Kosoff’s publication was commented by a user under the nickname therealseanharvey.

The desperate search for NFT applications continues. This time the unique tokens relieve the rich from the burden of bribing the maitre d’.

Jimmy Fallon with a photo of NFTs from the BAYC series

Indeed, getting a table at Dame is not easy. Here’s a quote from Decrypt on the subject.

Reservations are made online 12 weeks before 12 noon, but admission is free on Mondays. If visiting the restaurant on a Monday is too tiring, you can also just buy NFT, which allows preferential booking.

There is no information about NFT on Dame’s official website; it’s put up on a separate site called Front of House. Here you can look at the unique tokens sold by the restaurant, which are in the style of fish and chips. The following quote can also be found here.

Dame is offering the opportunity to join the Affable Hospitality Club, which gives members access to table reservations for parties of 2 and 4 until the end of 2022. Get access to the most upscale tables in NYC, as well as other potential benefits of the Dame and Front of House community.

NFT Collection Dame

Other restaurants at Front of House include Hanoi House, Emmett’s on Grove and Wildair Donut Friends. True, Dame’s NFTs are the most expensive so far. That said, unique tokens have long been used within the crypto industry as a means of accessing exclusive content. The world outside of it, as we have seen so far, has not always responded positively to such innovations.

We believe that such a search for adequate uses for NFT tokens is absolutely normal for new technologies. Still, non-interchangeable tokens have been in the spotlight for a wide audience in 2021, so many people are still confused about what to do with them - especially in a bearish trend. So adding such features for NFT is clearly not the worst idea.

Stay tuned for developments around the upgrade in our Millionaire Crypto Chat. Discuss other important developments from the world of decentralisation there as well.