Web 3.0 is the third generation of the Internet, characterised by the absence of centralised bodies in the form of large corporations. In the second generation of the Web, they are the backbone of the Internet, which is actively used by companies. More precisely, the giants gather information about their users based on their preferences and interests and then sell or use the data for producers of goods and services. In this way, people’s information is an object of earning, which does not suit all Internet enthusiasts.

In Web3, therefore, the ordinary person comes to the centre. Through the use of blockchain, the user can confirm their identity without revealing personal data by means of private keys. Well, NFT tokens give the right to own a certain asset in full, because the ownership data is backed up by a corresponding record in an immutable blockchain. The same goes for making money from your own creations, which are sold as NFTs. Large corporations do not get anything out of it.

Buying NFT tokens

That said, there are more uses for NFTs over time. As it became known last summer, the non-exchangeable tokens could well replace the same subscription to Netflix and confirm the user’s right to view certain content. Read more about this topic in a separate article.

What will happen with NFT in the future?

Here is one of Jakovenko’s quotes from an interview with Decrypt news outlet.

If you’re dreaming about creating a new Marvel or Disney in the next twenty years, it’s probably already happening in the NFT sphere right now.

In other words, the creator of Solana has no doubts about the great prospects of unique tokens. That said, he has made such a statement now - in the midst of a bearish trend, when relatively few people are interested in the coin industry.

Solana CEO Anatoly Yakovenko

The head of Solana Labs is fascinated by the number of potential uses for unique tokens. He continues.

The possibilities are endless. And this, I think, is the best area for launching a brand, a story, a franchise or anything related to that – games, movies and so on. The future giants are still in their infancy, but it’s an interesting process to watch.


Popular projects like Bored Ape Yacht Club, CryptoPunks and Axie Infinity currently have billions of dollars in combined trading volumes, with some of the most popular tokens in these series reaching millions of dollars in value. The scale is already staggering, but this is just the beginning – the concept and value of NFT is not yet understood by most people outside of crypto.

Top 5 most popular NFT collections

Note that the Solana network is one of the most popular in the context of NFT tokens. Still, for blockchain, convenient mobile wallets have been created that make it fairly easy to interact with this category of tokens. We’ve clarified the latest data: Solana is now the second largest NFT token in terms of trading volume after Etherium.

Blockchain ranking by volume of NFT tokens traded

That said, we already had a look at this network in July this year, when we published a guide to stacking SOL with Ledger hardware wallets.

Most NFT tokens are a variety of unique images on the blockchain. However, this field has another important use case: digital unique rights to access certain content, for example. Most likely, such a concept will be just as popular in the future and a commercial franchise on the level of Disney or Marvel could indeed be built around it. However, it should not be forgotten that over time many NFTs depreciate due to the departure of the hype, and the asset category itself is classified as illiquid, which means that there could be problems with selling the tokens.

Earlier, a kind of criticism of NFT was voiced by the creator of Etherium, Vitalik Buterin. In the spring, he voiced concerns that people were willing to shell out millions of dollars for images of monkeys. At the same time, he himself does not hate them, but only wants such projects to benefit society.

NFT tokens from the Bored Ape Yacht Club range

We believe that the potential of NFT-tokens has yet to be unlocked. However, this asset category became really popular last year, which means its development requires a considerable period of time. And the current bearish trend due to lack of investors' influx will just encourage the emergence of new applications for tokens.

What do you think about it? Share your opinion in our Millionaire Crypto Chat. We will discuss other important developments in the blockchain industry there as well.