To recap, a metaworld is a virtual space in which people interact with each other through their own avatars. Participation there can take place either through a computer in the usual game form or through a virtual reality helmet.

The topic of meta-universes is closely related to blockchain, as the assets within it are located precisely on the basis of various blockchain networks. In this way, users are able to truly own assets, perform various tasks to retrieve them, then dispose of the digital assets and earn from it.

The meta-universe

Actually, this is the most important difference between meta-universes and regular games. In the latter, users can acquire various skins and other game elements, but they are locked into a single game ecosystem. In addition, gamers are most often not allowed to sell assets or earn from them.

What meta universes are there

Generally, what was happening with the game was so critical that Zuckerberg issued a public apology and stated that the meta-universe project would be continually improved in the future. As a promotion of Horizon Worlds, the meta-universe was also supposed to be actively used by the company’s employees. However, they don’t seem to see much promise in it either.

According to the contents of the company’s internal correspondence, Meta employees have been repeatedly reprimanded by the meta-universe development department for rarely using the platform. In doing so, they have been repeatedly instructed to do so both at work and at home. In addition, Horizon Worlds developers have been instructed to remain in “qualitative isolation” until the end of the year to resolve issues with the platform’s visuals and functionality.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram apology and promises

Here’s a quote from Vishal Shah, Vice President of Meta Worlds, on the matter.

Many of us don’t spend much time on Horizon, and we can clearly track that. Why is this the case? Why don’t we love the product we’ve created enough to use it all the time? If we don’t like it so much, how can we expect our users to like it?

The situation looks comical: even two weeks after the VP’s statement, the developers still weren’t using Horizon Worlds often enough. As a result, on September 30, Shah promised to “hold managers accountable” and instructed them to extend the use of the meta universe even to the friends of their subordinates who don’t work at Meta.

The mission of every employee in this organisation is to fall in love with Horizon Worlds. You can’t do that if you don’t use the platform. Get in there. Organise time to do so with your colleagues or friends, both in the internal product build and in the public build, so you can interact with our community.

Note that such requirements seem rather strange. And while a possible recommendation may still be adequate during working hours, requiring you to spend time playing the game at home after work is a clear mistake. Obviously, with this approach, the developers of the project will not get far.

Even at the presentation, Horizon Worlds’ graphics look awful


According to Decrypt’s sources, the VP is aware of all the problems and shortcomings of Horizon Worlds, but continues to insist on active use of the meta universe. The project also needs to be much more actively developed – Shah has demanded that all bugs be fixed and various upgrades introduced. It is for this reason that the Horizon Worlds development team has been left in “quality lockdown” until the end of the year.

The project’s failures are particularly eloquent in light of the exceptional amount of investment Zuckerberg has put into the metaworlds division – it has repeatedly been called the future of the company. However, already in July, the metaworld division reported a loss of $2.8 billion for the second quarter of the year, bringing the division’s total loss for the year to $5.77 billion. For 2021, the division has a loss of $10.2 billion.

Horizon Worlds

Mark Zuckerberg, too, is aware of the problems with his company’s “core mission”, but is not backing down from what he has planned. Specifically, during the announcement of the aforementioned loss figures in his July investor address, Zuckerberg made the following statement

Obviously, this is a very expensive undertaking, spanning several years. But as meta universes become an increasingly important concept in all areas of our lives, eventually we will be glad that we played an important role in their creation.

So far Meta has only been losing money and getting nothing at all from its developments in this area, and even according to feedback from within the company. If the tech giant’s name has also been changed for the express purpose of marking its mission, the company will not abandon its endeavours in developing Horizon Worlds.

We believe that Meta is not immune to the collapse of its meta-universe project, even despite the abundance of resources. Still, this industry is very young, so users themselves may not realize what they want from such a virtual environment. Whatever it is, that remains to be seen.

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