As a reminder, CBDCs are the opposite of cryptocurrencies in terms of decentralisation. The issuance and support of CBDC is exclusively engaged in the central banks of different countries, and the turnover of these tokens will also be completely under the control of financial institutions.

Naturally, this raises certain concerns. In particular, in theory, governments would be able to restrict the financial activity of certain citizens based on their behavior or misdeeds, because the transactions would also be managed by the authorities.

Bitcoin ad in front of Silicon Valley Bank office

Under such circumstances, full-fledged cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Etherium or Solana seem a much more attractive phenomenon. Still, in the case of storing said coins in so-called non-custodial wallets, no one can get to them from the outside. Consequently, ordinary people are the full owners of their own digital assets – and no one is in a position to change that.

Naturally, hackers, who are skilled at stealing other people's cryptocurrencies, can step in. However, if you use a hardware wallet, keep the so-called sido safe and don't install various malicious applications, then the chances of long-term preservation of coins are greatly improved.

What will happen to cryptocurrencies in the future

During a Citi Digital Money Symposium event that coincided with the release of the organisation’s report, the bank’s head of future finance, Ronit Gose, suggested that “by the end of this decade” there will be $5 trillion circulating in the economy – and only in CBDC.

However, he added the caveat that “most of these projects will not be blockchain-based. Only some of them will be blockchain-compatible in their traditional sense, while other CBDC projects will generally be based on distributed ledger technology (DLT).

Map of CBDC adoption around the world

As a reminder, a DLT is a decentralised database managed by multiple participants in multiple nodes. Blockchain is a type of decentralised database in which transactions are recorded using an immutable cryptographic signature.

The rapid adoption of CBDC is predicted on the basis of the many benefits of such a concept. For example, centralised digital currencies could ostensibly serve as a universal payment instrument and incentive for developing economies. However, there are obvious risks – notably protecting user privacy and withdrawing deposits from small commercial banks for mass adoption of CBDCs.

Banks and cryptocurrencies

Another key driver for the mass adoption of crypto and crypto-based technologies will be tokenisation, i.e. the conversion of traditional financial assets to blockchain. According to Decrypt’s sources, the capitalisation of the tokenisation industry will reach the $4 trillion mark by 2030.

The process of asset tokenisation

One of the main benefits of tokenisation is the creation of a “common pool of assets”. That is, the field of digital trading will become more convenient and accessible, as well as almost fully compatible with cryptocurrencies. Imagine how large the influx of capital into crypto will be when, for example, transactions to buy digital derivatives for assets like wheat can be done for Bitcoin. However, this is still the future to come.


By 2030, regulated stabelcoins will also get a big jump in popularity. This was discussed at one of the World of Web3 (WOW) Summit events. During a speech at the event, Danish Member of Parliament Alexandra Sascha named the main factor in the development of the steiblocoin sector.

There are still two forms of demand. There will always be people who want to centralise the digital age, as well as those who want a decentralised way of making payments.

Top 5 Stablecoin cryptocurrencies

In other words, regulator-controlled stabelcoins can take the best of both worlds. They can be a profitable bridge between centralised platforms and the realm of decentralised finance. In fact, stablcoins are already fulfilling that function in crypto, only to become much more influential by 2030.

We believe that the massive release of central bank digital assets could indeed make cryptocurrencies more popular. Still, people unfamiliar with tokens will then get used to the fact that money can only be digital - well, that will open up access to full-fledged cryptocurrencies. And since the latter are decentralized and independent of the authorities, their advantages will be particularly evident in the current economic climate.

What do you think about it? Share your opinion in our crypto-chat of former rich people. There, discuss other important developments affecting the decentralised network and asset industry in one way or another.