It should be noted that this is not the first disappointment of players related to the so-called clickers inside Telegram. The first of them was the launch of the Hamster Kombat project, about which we wrote in detail in a separate article.

First of all, players received few coins, because to increase this amount, they had to actively invite friends to the game. And since not many people could do it, most of them got only a few thousand HMSTR tokens.

But that’s not all: the reason for criticism was the behaviour of the cryptoasset’s value after the start of its trading. This is what the HMSTR chart looks like after its release in late September.

Graph of Hamster Kombat project token value over time

As you can see, now the coin’s rate is at the bottom. In particular, it is only 5.6 percent above the historic low of $0.003669 recorded on October 17.

The reason is the distribution of crypto assets among a large number of users. Because of this, over the past weeks, there are always people in the market who want to get rid of their HMSTRs, thus creating selling pressure on the crypto asset.

What will happen to the X Empire token?

X Empire is a new tap-and-play game in Telegram, which is essentially a clone of the popular Hamster Kombat project and is characterised by almost the same mechanics. Players tap on a picture to earn in-game currency and then spend it on “mining” cards – passive income of the same currency.

X Empire

Obviously, this is a fan project that parasitises on the theme of the Tesla CEO. Still, Ilon Musk has not mentioned it in any way on Twitter and clearly has nothing to do with the development. There is even a possibility that the game could be closed at any moment if Ilon’s legal team finds out about it and the billionaire himself resents the use of his personal brand.

However, this doesn’t stop millions of new players from registering accounts and taking part in what’s going on. Either way, the hype around Hamster Kombat has done its job, and new users are still counting on getting a fortune for simple actions.

Tesla CEO Ilon Musk and Dogecoin

According to Decrypt’s sources, on Friday the X Empire team revealed the details of the token giveaway, which is set to take place on 24 October. Players didn’t like the drop criteria, which they openly stated on social media. On top of that, many of them won’t get any coins at all, which was also a cause for criticism.

Over the weekend, the game’s creator Alex Falcon responded to the complaints in a Telegram post. According to him, “active friends” was the most important criterion when calculating the final amount of tokens to be paid out. In other words, the emphasis here was on the social component, similar to Hamster Kombat.

Telegram game X Empire

Then in descending order of importance comes profit per hour and quest completion. Here’s a relevant rejoinder to that.

Everyone who truly invested time in X Empire got access to the drop.

Falcon noted that 6 million X Empire players will receive their tokens. It was previously claimed that the game had amassed over 50 million registrations. At the same time, Telegram messenger statistics show that the number of active players reaches 34 million accounts.

The parameter of the number of invited friends supposedly should not affect the final reward so much – at least, this is what the majority of disgruntled users claim. Some of them have even started actively tagging Ilon Musk on Twitter to “sort out the problem”.

However, Musk predictably did not comment on the situation. In fact, he doesn’t have to do so, as he has no direct relation to the project.

Outraged users called X Empire a scam

The X Empire team tried to dispel the fears of players and said that the token will be useful in the future, as it will allegedly have other uses besides the obvious speculation.

However, it is hard to believe in such a thing. Still, the Hamster Kombat token shows poor results after the launch, although this game had much more participants – their number exceeded the 300 million mark.

Given the current discontent of users, it is not hard to imagine what will happen directly after the airdrop on 24 October. Following the start of trading, the value of the X Empire token will surely collapse amid massive sales, as the recipients of cryptoassets, following the example of what is happening with Hamster, will most likely want to record at least some income.

The situation with X Empire shows that aidrops in various tapalikes are unlikely to allow anyone to really get rich. Still, there are too many players here, which leads to a dilution of capital between the participants of the game. In addition, the presence of crypto-assets in millions of market participants leads to constant pressure from sellers. That's why the same HMSTR is near its price bottom, despite its launch almost a month ago.