New Zealand Legalizes Salary Payments in Cryptocurrencies
New Zealand’s Inland Revenue Department (IRD) has made it legal for companies to pay their employees in Bitcoin and other crypt...
The Central Bank of Egypt Considers Issuing Its Own Cryptocurrency
Middle Eastern news agency Al-Monitor is reporting that an anonymous source from the Central Bank of Egypt confirmed that the b...
The Chinese State Is Allegedly Sponsoring Attacks on Cryptocurrency Firms
At this point, it’s really no secret, nor hard to believe that the Chinese government is working closely with various groups of...
80% of Tether Controlled by Just Over 300 Addresses
According to a report by Bloomberg, 318 addresses hold $1 million or more of Tether tokens (USDT). This finding suggests that t...
500,000-Victim Cryptojacking Campaign Proves Increasing Malware Sophistication
Cyber-crime researchers have discovered new features of known ‘cryptojacking’ malware, Smominru. In addition to mining Monero (...
Seoul to Launch Cryptocurrency Rewards System for Public Service Use
The capital city of South Korea is set to launch a rewards scheme for members of the public that participate in various public ...
Trump Administration Places Fresh Sanctions on Venezuela While Freezing Assets
U.S. President Donald Trump has signed an executive order freezing all Venezuelan government assets and property starting Augus...
Verge’s X17 Mining Algorithm Being Abused By Unknown Entity
An unknown entity has reportedly been exploiting Verge’s X17 mining algorithm for the past few months. A recent Reddit discussi...
The Battle For On-Chain Scalability: Who’s Leading?
When Satoshi Nakamoto first released their vision for a global payments system backed fully by decentralized cryptocurrencies l...
The Top Crypto-Endorsements in Sports in 2019 Thus Far
The sports world has been buzzing this year with new endorsements from cryptocurrency projects. Here are some of the top partne...
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