Gold Bugs Smug as Bitcoin Follows Markets’ Plunge
With its own dramatic price drop over the last 24-hours, Bitcoin is hardly holding up as a store of value among today’s mass-ma...
Bitcoin Is the Second Worst Performing Asset Over Last 24 Hours
In the last 24 hours, Bitcoin is the second worst-performing asset class, behind crude oil. It is currently down some -10.50 pe...
Dow Jones on Track to Follow 1929 Crash as Futures Drop 5%
The world is waiting for U.S. markets to open as fears intensify over the ongoing oil price war and coronavirus pandemic. Bitco...
Bitcoin Tumbles While US and Europe Face Recession
The economic slowdown that has happened due to coronavirus and the potential of an oil war could turn into a recession that wil...
Crypto News Roundup for March 8, 2020
Bitcoin took quite a beating on Sunday and was forced to shed 8% in just a few hours. Meanwhile, conventional assets were havin...
Bitcoin & Dow Futures Crash amid Oil War, Coronavirus While Gold Rises
The price of Bitcoin took a beating on Sunday, as traders drove the value down almost 8% in just a few hours. In similar activi...
Oil Prices Plummet as Supply Increases, Proving Bitcoin’s Brilliance
The price of oil has collapsed this year, down more than 30%. Brent crude closed Friday at a multi-year low of $45.27, a 9% red...
Bitcoin’s Lack of Correlation to Stocks Indicates Market Shift, Growth Potential
Many investors believe that Bitcoin follows the fate of the stock market generally. However, over the last year, this trend has...
Bitcoin Boon Likely amid Plummeting Treasury Yields, ‘Policy Failure’
Panic in the financial markets is still relatively hidden, but certain numbers suggest that the market could be facing collapse...
Bitcoin May See Substantial Increase Based on 3 Economic Signals
Last week was another harrowing time for stock traders. The Dow Jones Industrial Average lost 1%, and the S&P 500 shed 1.7...
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