Bitcoin Whale Moves $415M in BTC for Only Five Dollars
One Bitcoin whale has just transferred 57,577 BTC, valued at around $415M, from one external wallet to Bittrex. The fee for the...
Bitcoin Whale Withdraws $313M: Equivalent to 1/3 of Bittrex’s Reserves
One apparent Bitcoin whale in the cryptocurrency industry has just moved $313M out of Bittrex. With no test transaction beforeh...
Why Did Satoshi Nakamoto Choose 21M as Bitcoin’s Maximum Supply?
Bitcoin’s maximum supply was set at 21M on day one by Satoshi Nakamoto. What was his reasoning for this benchmark? Bitcoin is f...
Bitcoin Holders Stay Strong as 11 Million BTC Remain Dormant in 2019
While bearish sentiment is setting in, the Bitcoin network’s metrics paint a more optimistic picture. An eye-catching 11 millio...
Current Prices Show It Pays to Be Holding Bitcoin and Its Forks
Being profitable in cryptocurrency has a lot to do with when you buy and when you sell. Research from Intotheblock has outlined...
Bitcoin Subreddit Passes 1,200,000 Subscriber Milestone
r/Bitcoin on Reddit remains one of the most popular forums for Bitcoin fans. Recently, the subreddit reached a milestone of 1,2...
Russian Central Bank Comes out Against Bitcoin, Would Support a Ban
On November 29th, the Central Bank of Russia came out against Bitcoin, claiming that their local ruble should be the nation’s o...
Can Bitcoin Be the Saving Grace for Ailing Banks?
Bitcoin began as the enemy of the banks, a new tool to bring traditional finance to a halt. However, as the cryptocurrency perm...
Bitcoin Gets a Big Boost in Germany After Banks Allowed to Offer Cryptocurrencies
The regulatory constraints that previously prohibited German banks from offering Bitcoin-related services to clients could soon...
Bitcoin Could Be an Alternative to Endless Money Printing
Money printing should be big business at a time where many central banks are in the process of affecting quantitative easing. B...
Make a profit with HODLing on Binance Earn